Albania decide the construction of one of the largest HPPs in the last 30 years

Kalivaç, Albania

Ministry of Energy and Industry as Contractual Authority has open a public tender with the object construction through concession of the hydropower plant “Kalivaç”. The construction of the hydropower plant with a dam, will take place thought contract type B.O.T (Construction – Operation – Transfer), near the village Kalivac, along the downstream of the River Vjosa, from the quota 113 m.a.s.l. up to the quota 73 m.a.s.l.

The criteria for the interested Economic Operator to participate in a concession/public-private partnership procedure, based on the value of the Concessionaire “Fee” (given in % of the produced annual ele.en.), ecological and social impact, installed power determined with the calculating flow, time for the realization of the works, scheme of the connection of the plant with the power system, value of the existing works evaluated by the bidder.

Currently, the electricity generation sector in Albania is 100% hydropower based. Accordingly, Albanian electricity sector stakeholders have considerable experience from their hydropower generation development and operations activities. However, apart from approximately 130 MW constructed in 7 medium-size HPPs during 2012-2015, in practice there were no major new power generation facilities constructed in Albania for more than 30 years.



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Posted in Electricity, Energy & Environment and Production

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